I help success-driven women advance in their careers without all the headache or constant guesswork.

It’s time to own the skills that translate into REAL results and finally get you everything you want in your career.

Natalie Serebrennik - Career and Mindset Coach
Hi I'm Natalie
Laptop + pens + pink post its + phone
Free guide to advance your career

Download Your FREE Career Growth Roadmap

Never get passed over for a promotion again

The exact roadmap to land your next promotion with ease. Get everything you want in your career starting today.

It’s time to take charge of your career and create the success you've always dreamed of.

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career and hoping for things to magically fall into place?

Are you frustrated by the lack of management support in elevating your career? 

Are you fed up with the constant stream of excuses for why you can't make progress?  

It’s time to prioritize your growth and take control of your career path.

You've come to the right place, because I'm here to help you do just that!

Feminine office space with lap top and pink roses and gold lamp

Private Coaching

A customized experience made just for you. An experience that'll not only empower you but also give you the tools to advance your career. By investing in this work, you're investing in the professional growth you deserve.

Three women smiling and laughing

Group Coaching

You’re not alone on this journey. The combined strength of like-minded women can be a powerful catalyst for success and growth. That’s why I created this group. A shared platform to provide you with support and connection as you embark on your journey.

Corporate women speaking to a crowd of corporate people

Speaking & Workshops

Research shows that happy employees = more productive employees. Driving the success of your organization through employee development is a proven strategy. My customized presentations on topical themes will spark discussion and drive empowered action.

Natalie Serebrennik Career Coach

I’m Natalie, Certified Professional Coach

I’m a coach who likes to test the boundaries. 

Someone who'll challenge your mindset and encourage your every step. Someone who has walked in your shoes, experienced a ton of adversity and understands how to play the game. I want my lessons learned to help you. I want my stories to fast-track your successes. 

I worked at the same bank for over 16 years. I dedicated myself to the industry all in search of professional success. All in hopes of climbing that corporate ladder as quickly as possible.

For the longest time I defined success as = promotions + more money. I convinced myself that the grind was worth it as long as I kept ascending on my path to the top. 

Throughout all the ups and downs, I learned the dos and don'ts when advancing my career. I learned what it takes to see true success and how to cultivate a winning strategy. I learned how to play the game and now help others do the same.

What my clients have to say…

Ready to invest in your professional growth?

Book your free discovery call with me today and let's see if we’re a good fit!

As an experienced coach, I offer personalized and results-driven support to help you overcome challenges and succeed. Let's chat and develop a plan to get you where you want to be.